Highland’s Council of Descendant Advisors

The Highland Council of Descendant Advisors is a group of individuals whose African American ancestors were enslaved at Highland or worked on the property after the Civil War. Council members provide input on the interpretive content and direction of James Monroe’s Highland. The Council participates in creating a vision for Highland’s research, teaching, public interpretation, and community activities.

Highland recently created new site interpretation in 3,000 square feet of exhibition space. Members of the Council reviewed and provided input on every stage of this multi-year process. We characterize Council input as contributing to the content, theme, and tone of the exhibitions. This means that the public interpretation reflects the Council’s voice in its topics, recurring threads of discussion, and the selection of a particular approach for impact.

In addition, Highland staff collaborate with the Council to develop and carry out initiatives generated by Council members. These initiatives include the Highland Descendants Day, which has been held in June each year starting in 2022. They also include a trip to Florida to meet and fellowship with descendants of enslaved people sold by Monroe to Casa Bianca Plantation in 1828.

Shared Authority



Descendant advisors have spoken publicly about the work, have engaged in conversation across the William & Mary campus, with students and administrators, and have led workshops for Charlottesville City Schools teachers and staff on Difficult History.

Our direction is shaped by the National Summit on Teaching Slavery, where some of the group participated and helped with the follow-on work of creating a rubric for descendant engagement: https://montpelierdescendants.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Interpreting-Slavery-10_19_18.pdf. We strive to follow the rubric toward best practices.

Most importantly, we strive to learn from one another, and we value the richness of experience in our intentional conversations.

The Council welcomed several local and regional descendant communities during its first annual Descendants Day at Highland in June 2022. The gathering ended with a photo of all the groups together.










Discover more about the Council’s work: