Highland is proud to announce the 1817 Tour of the Northern States initiative, a project dedicated to engaging places visited by the newly elected president Monroe during his first year in office. Over 50 of these sites will participate in the initiative by displaying “Monroe was here” logos and incorporating Monroe talking points in their interpretive programs.
During the summer of 1817, James Monroe – newly inaugurated on March 4, 1817 – went on a “Tour of Inspection” through the Northern States. Not since George Washington’s administration had a president completed a tour of the country while in office. Having served as Secretary of State, and for a time as Secretary of War, during the War of 1812, Monroe wanted to inspect the country’s coastal defenses. Monroe was also intent on promoting national unity by personally visiting Federalist New England early in his presidency.
“We are thrilled to have 52 organizations participating in our bicentennial recognition of President Monroe’s Tour of the Northern States,” said Nancy Stetz, Highland Education Programs Manager. “These organizations have reported their excitement to learn that Monroe had visited their area and that they now plan to incorporate Monroe’s 1817 tour in to their programming.”
For more information and to view the list of sites visited by Monroe, please follow the link below:
[otw_shortcode_button href=”http://highland.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/1817-Northern-Tour-James-Monroes-Highland-web2.pdf” size=”medium” icon_position=”left” shape=”radius” color_class=”otw-blue” target=”_blank”]Learn More[/otw_shortcode_button]